
From foundation to roof

Posted by on 30 Jan, 2012 in Services | Comments Off on From foundation to roof

From foundation to roof

From foundation to roof model is a proven value. This is a complete model construction and professional consulting services of our team, advice and preparing the necessary documentation to the closing of the construction works. In the gallery you can see few objects that we have emerged from to the pride of his investor and the contractor.

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Stone wall

Posted by on 29 Jan, 2012 in Services | Comments Off on Stone wall

Stone wall

What you will surely notice even the one who first pursued the Cres and Losinj, and thus the area of ​​Punta Kriza are countless, endless rows of stone walls, “gromaca” – all of which is enclosed pastures. Gromaca are the foundations of the architectural heritage of our rural areas. Gromaca are high up the man, depending on the purpose of pasture ground, the available material and labor. The rule is larger blocks lower and lower over the stone walls. How to lay stone – diagonally, vertically, horizontally –...

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Posted by on 28 Jan, 2012 in Services | Comments Off on Lesa


Sorry, this entry is only available in Hrvatski.

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Posted by on 27 Jan, 2012 in Services | Comments Off on Roofs


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Posted by on 26 Jan, 2012 in Services | Comments Off on <!–:hr–>Iskopi<!–:–><!–:en–>Excavation<!–:–><!–:de–>Ausgrabung<!–:–><!–:it–>Scavo<!–:–>


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